Craig Richards and Gottwood present Houghton festival with 2nd wave announcement

houghton festival with craig richards and gottwood on cone magazine

Craig Richards and Gottwood festival have teamed up to bring this unique new 3 day festival to Norfolk, combining art and sculpture with music, and set in a remarkable venue. Excitement surrounding this new festival has grown rapidly since the announcement of it’s first wave of artists, along with their mouth watering promo video below. […]

Review /\ Gottwood festival 2015

Gottwood sign at Gottwood music festival review on Cone Magazine

Located right at the furthest most northern tip of Wales is a festival like no other, and last weekend reminded us of why Gottwood is revered as one of the best underground festivals in the UK. A festival is a journey. You arrive still hard-wired to a 9-5 monotonous existence. As we’re now only at the start […]

Review /\ Gottwood festival 2015

Gottwood sign at Gottwood music festival review on Cone Magazine

Located right at the furthest most northern tip of Wales is a festival like no other, and last weekend reminded us of why Gottwood is revered as one of the best underground festivals in the UK. A festival is a journey. You arrive still hard-wired to a 9-5 monotonous existence. As we’re now only at the start […]