Anish Kapoor Unveils ‘Descension’ At Galleria Continua

Anish Kapoor 'Descension' exhibition and installation

The latest works by Anish Kapoor which include a forever spinning black water whirlpool is shown in his new show ‘Descension’

Sir Anish Kapoor unveils his latest solo exhibition at the Italian gallery Galleria Continua entitled ‘Descension’. The British-Indian artist has used the galleries theatre space to embed his latest creations, sculptures ranging in materials such as alabaster, stainless steal and fibreglass but the show gains its name from the centre piece, a forever spinning black water whirlpool. Measuring 500cm in diameter the installation takes over the centre floor of the theatre room and drags the viewer closer and closer to its seemingly endless abyss. The show is currently running up until September 5th 2015

