cone magazine


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Fruit Tones - Cone Magazine
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bayonne primitives on Cone Magazine
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The Professionals How to run a clothing store with oi polloi owner steve sanderson
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Ishmael Ensemble bristol on Cone Magazine 8 track
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Cone Magazine best music releases of 2016
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Peluche 8 Tracks Cone Magazine
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We speak with Kouslin about his new release Le Chatroom out on his label with the same name
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bayonne primitives on Cone Magazine
Michael Robertson

8 Track: Bayonne

The rich tapestry of musical assortments that defines Bayonne’s melodic pop makes for a refreshing listen in an age of uniformity. Since the highly praised

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Ishmael Ensemble bristol on Cone Magazine 8 track

8 Track: Ishmael Ensemble

In time for their debut LP release, contemporary Jazz collective Ishmael Ensemble, featuring a combination of six musicians and collaboratives, provide us their selection of records for ‘8 Track’. On

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Peluche 8 Tracks Cone Magazine
Michael Robertson

8 Tracks – Peluché

London-based alt-pop trio, Peluché, present a varied song-writing palate, whilst also trying to disregard common trends and expectations of a band just starting out. Multilayered,

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Michael Robertson

8 Tracks – TVAM

TVAM stands as one man, Joe Oxley, but represents an army of cross-medium influence. His sound ties in the irresistible nostalgia of Boards of Canada,

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