cone magazine

visionary Music Industry experts set to return to ‘future music forum’ Barcelona

future music forum 2016 barcelona cone magazine

With over ‘200 selected groups of music futurists, label owners, managers, music and mobile technology entrepreneurs and digital music consumption analysts’ Future Music Forum returns to Barcelona to inspire a generation.

The music industry is such a dynamic one, and developments over the past decade have seen an emergence in new technologies enabling a paradigm shift in production and consumption. Future Music Forum brings together some of the leading heads from Sony Music to Soundcloud and Spotify, under one roof for a three day conference.

Now in its 7th year, FMF will be focussing its sights on some key emerging markets within the music industry including virtual reality, and data capture, alongside some more familiar topics like running a record label and managing artists.

Tickets available via Cone

More information via official website


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