YouGov study finds Vinyl collectors are lonely, middle aged introverts

Picture of vinyl record on technics 1210 turntable on Cone Magazine

Vinyl’s surge in popularity, has made this preferred format of listening (rather sadly) a hit with the trendy and socially conscious.

However in a recent YouGov study, the market research company highlights that whilst the hipster will be riding a wave, it is actually the 45-54 year olds that are causing the tides. This age group are the most likely to have recently purchased a vinyl album.

The report goes on to say:

“Two thirds (66%) of this group say they could not get through day without listening to music, compared to 49% of UK adults in general. A third (33%) of record buyers say they listen ‘whenever they can’ compared to 25% of over-18s overall.”

The report then drills deeper into the data to pull out some rather hilarious findings, that:

Vinyl buyers are slightly more likely to both keep their feelings to themselves (56% vs. 53%) and enjoy being alone (69% vs 66%).

For vinyl to capture a truly wide audience, it will need to convince younger cash-strapped adults, with little disposable income and towering student debts, to fork out instead of illegally download, transforming buying behaviours on a global scale.

Source [FACT]

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