cone magazine

Madonna’s Suspected Hacker Arrested In Isreal

Madonna on Cone Magazine

Madonna had her computer hacked into late last year, with cuts from her forthcoming album Rebel Heart appearing all over the internet, leading to her likening this act to ‘Artist Rape’ and more controversially ‘Terrorism’….. Hmmm, not sure about that

Well, just hours ago CNN have reported that Police have found and arrested the man linked to these hacks. It emerged that Madonna’ case was just one in a string of other hacks targeting artists, which the assailant would then sell on to institutes for large sums of cash.

In the report it mentioned that this theft cost the queen of pop in excess of millions of dollars in professional and personal damages.

This is not the first time Madonna’s music has reached the public domain before its intended release, with tracks from ‘American Life’ being leaked prematurely and her website defaced in 2003.

Rebel Heart is due for release in march 2015

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