Its growing indigenous medicinal herbs, and is abundant in wildlife. Welcome to Bethnal Green’s ecological and cultural institute – Phytology.
Botanists, artists and the local community of Bethnal green have got their shovels out, and hands dirty to cultivate a lush meadow, kitted out with organic medicinal herbs and food in the heart of the unrelenting city. And it’s due to reopen tomorrow.
Part Urban Wilderness, part herbaceous field, community hub and “alternative studio complex” for contemporary artists to work from. Phytology medicine garden, welcomes all to grow, connect with the land and cultivate culture in the broadest sense.
“It kinda turned in a nature reserve by accident, by default”
Micheal (Current Custodian)
Formerly the disused piece of land, occupied by wildlife and looked after by the local residents association in the 70’s. The Phytology project has transformed the land into an ecological haven and woodland sanctuary accessible to the public. It’s a “place for food and medicine to be grown, a place for artists to be in residence and make works in response to the site” and “work off themes of the site”.
Come and bask in the beauty and serenity of the organic ecosystem, plus harvest some free herbs whilst you here.
The Phytology apothecary garden re-opens each Saturday:
May 7th until September 3rd, 2016
11am – 6pm
Bethnal Green Nature Reserve, Middleton Street, E2 9RR
Find out more from the official website Phytology , and from nomad projects